Streaming Systems Tyler Akidau 这本书绝不仅仅是在讲流式处理,它的真名是"总结过去10年大数据处理发展的历史,Google的经验;提出新的理论,升维我们的思维模式,降维打击我们的复杂问题;展现目前的行业趋势,预测未来的行业走势….",这本书几乎影响了我对所有分布式系统的理解。
The Little Typer An introduction to dependent types, demonstrating the most beautiful aspects, one step at a time. A program's type describes its behavior. Dependent t
SchedulingReal_TimeStreamingApplicationsontoanEmbeddedMultiprocessor This book describes a design flow and software architecture that meets these challenges while enabling features, such as independent transceiver compi