Learning a new programming language can be intimidating. If you've never programmed before, the act of typing seemingly cryptic text to produce sleek and powerful applications probably seems like a black art, and you might wonder how you'll ever learn everything you need to know. The answer, of course, is one step at a tim e. I believe the first step to mastering a programming language is building confidence. Programming is part art and part science. Although it might seem like magic, it's more akin to illusion. After you know how things work, a lot of the mysticism goes away, and you are free to focus on the mechanics necessary to produce the desired result. e. I believe the first step to mastering a programming language is building confidence. Programming is part art and part science. Although it might seem like magic, it's more akin to illusion. After you know how things work, a lot of the mysticism goes away, and you are free to focus on the mechanics necessary to produce the desired result.