webrtc video chat implementation
WebRTC(Web Real-Time Communication)是一项开放的技术标准,实现浏览器之间的实时通信,无需插件或额外的应用程序。这项技术的核心在于提供音频、视频通信以及数据共享的能力,
1 2024-11-05 -
This book gives you just the tools you'll need to develop day-to-day language applications. You'll b
7 2020-12-22 -
Linux Kernel Networking Implementation and Theory
Linux Kernel Networking takes you on a guided in-depth tour of the current Linux networking implemen
20 2020-12-20 -
Unix File Systems Design and Implementation
10 2020-12-23 -
Implementation and application of FRET FLIM technology
With the development of the new detection methods and the function of fluorescent molecule, research
19 2021-02-01 -
Code implementation of each module of fbmc
Filter-bank multicarrier滤波器组多载波技术matlab实现FBMC核心思想: 保持符号持续时间不变(没有引入额外的时间开销),在发射及接收端添加额外的滤波器来处理时域中相邻多载
9 2020-10-26 -
Design and Implementation of the lwIP TCPIP Stack
lwIP 是一个轻量级的开源TCPIP协议栈,很多嵌入式系统特别是小型终端都采用它作为系统协议栈
18 2020-09-17 -
UNIX Filesystems Evolution Design and Implementation
UNIX Filesystems - Evolution, Design and Implementation
5 2020-09-21 -
Kent Beck的名著,设计模式的最佳实践。深入浅出,从实做出发讲述设计模式
5 2020-09-19 -
The Design And Implementation Of Geographic Information Systems
GIS系统的设计和实现 Copyright © 2003 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved
20 2020-10-07