Title: Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 4th Edition Author: Jr. Jerry Lee Ford Length: 464 pages Edition: 4 Language: English Publisher: Cengage Learning PTR Publication Date: 2014-04-15 ISBN-10: 1305260325 ISBN-13: 9781305260320 VBScript is a programming language that is simple enough for beginners and makes learning fundamental programming concepts easy. But as you'll learn in this updated fourth edition of MICROSOFT WSH AND VBSCRIPT PROGRAMMING FOR THE ABSOLUTE BEGINNER, VBScript is also a po werful scripting language through which you can learn even the most advanced programming concepts. No complex programming environment is required: You can create VBScripts using a simple text editor such as Windows Notepad, and VBScripts can be run on WSH (Windows Script Host) and several other environments. If you are new to programming with Microsoft WSH and VBScript and are looking for a solid introduction, this is the book for you. This revised fourth edition covers WSH 5.7 and VBScript 5.7. Get started programming today, with MICROSOFT WSH AND VBSCRIPT PROGRAMMING FOR THE ABSOLUTE BEGINNER, FOURTH EDITION. Table of Contents Part I: Introducing the WSH and VBScript Chapter 1 Getting Started with the WSH and VBScript Chapter 2 An Introduction to the Windows Script Host Part II: Learning VBScript and WSH Scripting Chapter 3 VBScript Basics Chapter 4 Constants, Variables, Arrays, and Dictionaries Chapter 5 Conditional Logic Chapter 6 Processing Collections of Data Chapter 7 Using Procedures to Organize Scripts Part III: Advanced Topics Chapter 8 Storing and Retrieving Data Chapter 9 Handling Script Errors Chapter 10 Using the Windows Registry to Configure Script Settings Chapter 11 Working with Built-in VBScript Objects Chapter 12 Combining Different Scripting Languages Chapter 13 Working with the Windows Management Instrumentation Chapter 14 Adding a GUI to Your Scripts Part IV: Appendices Appendix A: WSH Administrative Scripting Appendix B: Introducing Remote WSH Appendix C: The WSH Core Object Model Appendix D: Built-in VBScript Functions Appendix E: What’s on the Companion Website?