Social Media Integration and E-commerce Platform Performance
Strategic Antecedents of Supply Chain Integration and Performance Evidence from
20 2020-07-23 -
Platform Based Design at the E
This book presents a mulTI-faceted view of the set of problems that the electronicindustry currently
14 2022-10-14 -
e Ticketing Platform源码
电子票务平台 该项目开发了一个电子票务平台,可以管理客户在各种活动中的票务购买! 实现的类及其用法: 0.主要 ->用于演示项目内的功能。 1.租金 -> Locations类用于设置事件
19 2021-04-29 -
Ma ven E clipse integration
NULL 博文链接:
13 2020-08-29 -
Risk Assessment Guidebook for e_Commerce e_Government
This guidebook is primarily intended to assist auditors in the planning stage oftheir audits. It wil
31 2018-12-25 -
Connecting Users across Social Media Sites A Behavioral Modeling Approach
用户模式识别 2013kdd顶级数据库会议文章
7 2020-11-24 -
云计算SAP Social Media Analytics by NetBase销售概览
SAP Social Media Analytics是一个基于Saas模式的智能社交媒体分析解决 方案,订阅的用户输入品牌和主题就可以实时地分析社交网络中所有发言 的观点、情绪等分析结果。
12 2020-08-19 -
Mastering Social Media Mining with Python epub0分
44 2019-07-15 -
Inbound Marketing Get Found Using Google Social Media and Blogs
16 2019-09-27 -
社交媒体数据挖掘Mining Social Media.pdf
社交媒体数据挖掘Mining Social Media.pdf
17 2021-05-20