云计算平台openstack的官方用户指南,发行版本号为: 15.0.0ABSTRACTOpen Stack is an open-source cloud computing platform for public and private clouds. A series of interrelatedmanage resources in an open Stack cloud with the Open Stack dashboard and OpenStack client command andprojects deliver a cloud infrastructure solution. This guide shows Open Stack end users how to createThis guide documents Open Stack Ocata, Newton and Mitaka releases1CONTENTSConventionsThe Open Stack documentation uses several typesetting conventionsNoticesNotices take these forms:Note: A comment with additional information that explains a part of the textImportant: Something you must be aware of before proceedingTip: An extra but helpful piece of practical adviceCaution: Helpful information that prevents the user from making mistakesWarning: Critical information about the risk of data loss or security issuesCommand promptss commandAny user, including the root user, can run commands that are prefixed with the s promptcommandThe root user must run commands that are prefixed with the# prompt. You can also prefix these commandswith the sudo command. if available. to run themHow can I use an Open Stack cloud?As an Openstack cloud end user, you can provision your own resources within the limits set by cloud admin-stratosThe examples in this guide show you how to perform tasks by using the following methodsopenstackUser Guide(Release Version: 15.0.0)Open Stack dashboard: Use this web-based graphical interface, code named horizon, to view, create, andmanage resourcesOpen Stack command-line clients: Each core Open Stack project has a command-line client that you canuse to run simple commands to view, create, and manage resources in a cloud and automate tasks byIsing scripts.You can modify these examples for your specific use cases.In addition to these ways of interacting with a cloud, you can access the Open Stack APis directly or indirectlythrough CURL commands or open SDKs. You can automate access or build tools to manage resources andservices by using the Open Stack APlsTo use the Openstack Apls, it helps to be familiar with Http/1.1, RestFul web services the Openstackservices. and json or Xml data serialization formatsWho should read this book?This book is written for anyone who uses virtual machines and cloud resources to develop software or performresearch. You should have years of experience with Linux-based tool sets and be comfortable using both guiand CLi based tools. While this book includes some information about using Python to create and managecloud resources, Python knowledge is not a pre-requisite for reading this bookOpen Stack dashboardAs a cloud end user, you can use the Open Stack dashboard to provision your own resources within the limitsset by administrators. You can modify the examples provided in this section to create other types and sizes ofserver instancLog in to the dashboardThe dashboard is generally installed on the controller node.1. Ask the cloud operator for the host name or public ip address from which you can access the dashboardand for your user name and password. If the cloud supports multi-domain model, you also need to askfor your domain name.2. Open a web browser that has JavaScript and cookies enabledNote: To use the Virtual Network Computing(VNC client for the dashboard, your browser mustsupport HTML5 Canvas and HTML5 WebSockets. The vNc client is based on noVNC. For details, seenoVNC: HTML5 VNC Client. For a list of supported browsers, see Browser support3.intheaddressbarenterthehostnameorIpaddressforthedashboardforexamplehttps://ipAddressor HostName/Note: If d Certificate warning appears when you try to access the URL for the first time, d self-signedcertificate is in use, which is not considered trustworthy by default. Verity the certificate or add anexception in the browser to by pass the warningOpen Stack dashboardopenstackUser Guide(Release Version: 15.0.0)4. On the Log In page, enter your user name and password, and click Sign In. If the cloud supports multidomain model, you also need to enter your domain name.Che top of the window displays your user name. You can also access the Settings tab(OpenStack dash-board- Settings tab) or sign out of the dashboardThe visible tabs and functions in the dashboard depend on the access permissions, or roles, of the useryou are logged in asIf you are logged in as an end user, the project tab(Open Stack dashboard- Project tab)andIdentity tab(open Stack dashboard- Identity tub) are displayedIf you are logged in as an administrator, the Project tab(OpenStack dashboard- Project tab)andAdmin tab(OpenStack dashboard-Admin tab)and ldentity tab(OpenStack dashboard-ldentitytab) are displayedNote: Some tabs, such as Orchestration and Firewalls, only appear on the dashboard if they are properlyconfiguredOpen Stack dashboard -Project tabProjects are organizational units in the cloud and are also known as tenants or accounts. Each user is a memberof one or more projects. Within a project, a user creates and manages instancesFrom the Project tab, you can view and manage the resources in a selected project, including instances andimages. You can select the project from the drop-down menu at the top left. If the cloud supports multi-domainmodel, you Can also select the domain from this menu口 openstackadmn Y岛admn零ProjectOverviewComputeLimit SummaryCve vewyInstaRAMFloating IPsUsed C of 10Used 0 of 20Uaed 0 of 50Used 1 of 10Access a securityNetworkObject StoreVolumesUsed 0 ot 10Used u ot 1.00UAdminIdentityUsage SummarySelect a period of time to query its usageActive Instances: 0 Active RAN: 0Bytes This Periods VCPU-Hours: 0.00 This Periods GB-Hours: 0.00 This Pericds RAM-Hou rs: 0.0CUsageDownload Csv summarInstance NameVCPUSRAMTime since createdDIsplaying o remsFig 1: Figure: Project tabOpen stack dashboardopenstackUser Guide(Release Version: 15.0.0)From the Project tab, you can access the following categoriesCompute tabOverview: View reports for the projectInstances: View, launch, create a snapshot from, stop, pause, or reboot instances, or connect to themthrough VNC.Volumes: Use the following tabs to complete these tasks:Volumes: view. create edit. and delete volumesVolume Snapshots: View, create, edit, and delete volume snapshotsImages: View images and instance snapshots created by project users, plus any images that are publiclyavailable. Create, edit, and delete images, and launch instances from images and snapshotsAccess Security: Use the following tabs to complete these tasksSecurity Groups: View, create, edit, and delete security groups and security group rulesKey Pairs: View, create, edit, import, and delete key pairsFloating IPs: Allocate an IP address to or release it from a projectAPI Access: View APi endpointsShares: Use the following tabs to complete these tasksShares: View, create, manage, and delete sharesSnapshots: View, manage, and delete volume snapshotsShare Networks: View, manage, and delete share networksSecurity Services: View, manage, and delete security servicesNetwork tabNetwork Topology: View the network topology.Networks: Create and manage public and private networksRouters: Create and manage routersLoad Balancers: Create and manage load balancersPools: Add and manage poolsMembers: Add and manage membersMonitors: Add and manage monitorsFirewalls: Create and manage firewallsFirewalls: Create and manage firewallsFirewall Policies: Add and manage firewall policiesFirewall Rules: Add and manage firewall rulesOpen Stack dashboardopenstackUser Guide(Release Version: 15.0.0)Orchestration tabStacks: Use the rest aPi to orchestrate multiple composite cloud applications.Resource Types: Show a list of all the supported resource types for Hot templatesobject Store tabContainers: Create and manage containers and objectsOpen Stack dashboard- Admin tabAdministrative users can use the Admin tab to view usage and to manage instances, volumes, flavors, imagesnetworks. and so onopenstack写adma admin vOverviewAdminUsage SummarySystemCve vieveSelect a period of time to query its usageResn Ifce lesage From:20151101To2151125date shod be in yYYy-mm-dd fo metActive Instances: 0 Active RAN: U Eytes Ihis Period's VCPUHours: 0 I his Period s GB-Hours: C I his Period's RAM-Hours: JHypervsorsHos: AggregatessageDownload CsVProject NameVC PUsDiskRAMVC PU HoursDisk GB HoursMemory MB Hours oVo Lme.sNo items to displFlavorsRoutersDefaultsMetadata definitesys: em Into mationFig 2: Figure: Admin tabFrom the Admin tab, you can access the following category to complete these tasksystem tabOverview: View basic reportsResource Usage: Use the following tabs to view the following usagesUsage Report: View the usage reportpen stack dashboardopenstackUser Guide(Release Version: 15.0.0)Stats: View the statistics of all resourcespervisors: View the hypervisor summaryHost Aggregates: View, create, and edit host aggregates. View the list of availability zonesInstances: View, pause, resume, suspend, migrate, soft or hard reboot, and delete running instances thatbelong to users of some, but not all, projects. Also, view the log for an instance or access an instancethrough VNCVolumes: Use the following tabs to complete these tasksVolumes: View. create. manage and delete volumesVolume types: View, create, manage, and delete volume typesVolume Snapshots: View, manage, and delete volume snapshots.Flavors: View, create, edit, view extra specifications for, and delete flavors. A flavor is the size of aninstanceImages: View, create, edit properties for, and delete custom imageNetworks: View, create, edit properties for, and delete networksRouters: View, create, edit properties for, and delete routers.Defaults: View default quota values. Quotas are hard-coded in Open Stack Compute and define themaximum allowable size and number of resourcesMetadata Definitions: Import namespace and view the metadata informationSystem Information: Use the following tabs to view the service informationServices: View a list of the servicesCompute Services: View a list of all Compute servicesBlock Storage Services: View a list of all Block Storage servicesNetwork Agents: View the network agentsOrchestration Services: view a list of all orchestration servicesShares: Use the following tabs to complete these tasksShares: View, create, manage and delete sharesSnapshots: View, manage and delete volume snapshotsShare Networks: View, manage, and delete share networksSecurity Services: View, manage, and delete security servicesShare types: View, create, manage, and delete share typesShare servers: View, manage, and delete share serversOpen Stack dashboardopenstackUser Guide(Release Version: 15.0.0)Openstack dashboard- Identity tab□ openstacks admin零ProjectProjectsAdminFiterQ +Crea:e Project x Delete P ciecsIdentityProjoct IDEnabled Actions四 adminacmi tenant8ce4dad72776457bb603f-cE66c6f1dMan ace mEmbersSauCesTenan: fcr tne openstack serices0.a491114eea16f42h989∠7:h5sManage AmherstFig. 3: Figure: Identity tabProjects: View, create, assign users to, remove users from, and delete projectsUsers: View. create enable disable and delete userspen stack dashboard