Analysis of evacuation procedures in high speed trains fires.

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高速列车火灾分析 很有用的东西 安全系统消防工程J.A. Capote et aL. /Fire Safety Journal 49(2012)35-46The data were obtained from passengers moving in a single and a tread of 25 cm) of 0.47 per/s. Furthermore, the flow ratequeue without being constrained by others while the train was observed during the drill was lower than values from otherstill in motion(see Fig 4a ) The sample of the walking speeds fit a studies [11 due to the height of train steps(0.25 m) and thenormal distribution, as assessed by the k D'Agostino test, with a gap. This result suggests that the exit door width, its design andmean value of 0.99 m/s and a standard deviation of 0.20 m/s. how passengers respond to it have to be considered [15. Fig. 7Fig 4b shows the histogram and the curve distributionshows how each passenger required different times to negotiatethe train steps It should be noted thatengers exhibited2.3. Time to prepare for evacuationhesitation at the exit before negotiating the train steps and thatThe passengers were informed about the emergency over the paTable 2system before the train had stopped. In this case, the response times Distribution of time to prepare for the evacuationwere dependent on the available space to move inside the coaches(i. e, space available to access the aisle). When the train stopped, theVariableFMaxMiaisles were occupied by the relocated passengers. Once they decidedTime to prepare(uniform dist. (s)28.01.5to start the evacuation procedure however, some of the seatedpassengers spent time performing other actions, such as preparingthemselves for the evacuation (e.g, donning jackets, collectingbelongings or waiting for others. The distribution of the timespent by passengers to prepare for the evacuation is presented inTable 2822.4. Merging flows at exit door of coach 09Results of merging relations are displayed in FigA total of 28 passengers from coach 10 used the exit door ofcoach 09, and 16 passengers from coach 09 used this same exit0Significant deference behaviours were observed, and male parti的cipants deferred to allow females to first proceed to the exit.Time intervals [s]It should be noted that during 15-20 s of the evacuation process.From coach 09■ From Coach10a young male from coach 09 deferred to allow 4 participants(including 2 females)to proceed to the exit. The same behaviour Fig. 5. Merge ratios between coach 09 and coach 10 towards the exit door ofwas observed in another male participant from the same coach coach 09(coach 09), who deferred to allow 2 females and 1 male partici-pant to proceed to the exit between 30 and 35 S. The averagemerge ratio between coach 09 and coach 10 was 36.4: 66.615Between 35s and 50 s, however, the merge ratio was 50: 50During this time, the density levels increased, and passengersalternated their access to the exit door●。。。鲁2.5. Flow rate at the exit door of coach 090.5The passenger flow rate at the exit door of coach 09 was0Measured. This door was 0.81 m wide (0.51 m of the effective01020304050607080width). Fig. 6 shows the flow rate of the evacuation drillTime [s]compared to the SFPE maximum specific N&M(Nelson andMowrer)flow rates [14 An average flow rate of 0.57 per/s wasDrilAverageobtained during the overall evacuation process. This value wasss·· SEPE N& M DoorwaySEPE N&M Stairbetween the SFPE maximum doorway flow rate of 0.66 per/s and Fig. 6. Comparative of the flow variations through the exithe SfPe maximum flow rate for stairs(with a riser of 19.1 cm maximum constant flow rates N&M(Nelson and Mowley it of coach 09 and the24180.51.5Walking speed [m/sig. 4.(a) Passengers walking during evacuation drill.(b)Walking speed distribution.38J.A. Capote et aL. Fire Safety Journal 49( 2012)35-462 of the 46 passengers who negotiated the exit of coach 09 were 3.2. Selected trainspersons with mobility problems who required more than 3 S toaccess the platformTwo high-speed trains are modelled: Train A(see Fig. 9 andTable 3) and Train b(see Fig. 10 and Table 4 The trains are3. Evacuation modelling analysisCar 12 2nd classCar 11 2nd class((「「Egs3E彐38EIRR23333TIEIR3R33RR83. 1. Required Safe egress Time(rsetcalculation in trainsCar 10 2nd classCar 09 2nd classcar 07 2nd class山山E1BBBB3BBI-E8B3BBREBEEB33E5BEBITrains can be in motion when emergencies occur TheCar 06 LoungeCar 05 1st classCar 04 1st classCar 03 1st classRequired Safe Egress Time(Rset) calculations should considerLco300300upcoooJ0s0unpo30533300the time necessary for the train to stop, the time spent openingE3382mc332mc8333the doors and the time spent by the train crew setting up thecar 01 1st classevacuation elements (i.e, portable ladders or ramps). Therefore,C1203030LE33333E|33338mc1a22)the rset contains three main compDonents: (1) the detection time(tdet),(2)the time required for the train to stop( tstop)and (3)theFig 9. Layout of Train Aevacuation time from the train(teva ) The egress time model forfires on trains is presented in Fig. 8Table 3When a fire is detected aboard a running train, it is necessary Configuration of Train Ato move the passengers to a place of relative safety(otherCoaches12111009080lunge050403020passenger coaches). The time required for a high-speed train toNo. of seats303636363619+24-2426262124stop can be more than 15 min. For this reason, the passengersExit/side1111111111may need to be protected from the effects of the fire for severalminutes. Therefore, the response strategy should include comDisabled people(wheelchair users ).pleting the relocation procedure before the train stops. Thisstrategy leads to formulating the following questions. How muchCar 11 2nd classtime does the crew take to complete the relocation procedure?How many passenger coaches should be evacuated? In otherCar 10 2nd dassCar 09 2nd classCar 08 2nd classwords, what is the most appropriate strategy? In the nextsections, we define the pre-evacuation procedures and exploreCar u/ znd dassCar ub 2nd clasCars znd clastheir impact on the evacuation process匿E區區圈噩B②圈圈圈圈圈P臣圈圈圈到Car 01 1st classgE:上十D)MFig. 10. Layout of Train BConfiguration of Train BCoaches11100908070605 lounge030201246810121416182022242628303234363840424446. of seats2036363636363622+12614PassengersExit/sideFig 7. Time spent by each passenger to negotiate the train step (exit of coach 09)Disabled people (wheelchair userAvailable safe Egress time- ASETRequired Safe egress Time- RSETMarpin ofI detsafetytsEvacuation to a place of relative safetyinside the trainLocateemergency iladder/sMovement timeResponseMovement timetimeRecognitiontimeIgnition Detection AlarmTrain StopsEvacuation TenabilitylimitPre-evacuation stageEvacuation stage(train in motion(stationary train)Fig. 8. Egress time model for fires in trainsJ.A. Capote et aL. /Fire Safety Journal 49(2012)35-462.94 m wide. The exit doors are single-leaf sliding, 0.81 m wide their target and form a queue in front of it. When the exit isstructures, and the aisles have maximum widths of 0.69 m in the unavailable, it is considered to be no longer usable, and nobodyfirst-class coaches and o52 m in the second-class coaches both moves towards that exit In most cases the conditions dictate thethe trains have one train manager (guard), two employees specific actions and the choice of the appropriate egress strategy(contracted by the railroad company in the lounge coach and Two adaptive procedures are considered. The first procedure isone train host in the first class coaches From the viewpoint of fire called partial relocation(PR). It consists of evacuating the firesafety, both the trains have smoke detectors in each passenger exposed coach and the two immediately adjacent coaches. Thecoach(in the electric cabinets but not in passenger compart- second procedure is called full relocation(FR)and consists oments)and in the toilets. The on-board equipment in case of evacuating as many coaches as possible away from the fireevacuation includes one emergency ladder stored in one locomoDue to the train immediately stopping in scenarios 1.3, 1.4,tive and one ramp stored in the lounge coach of Train A and in 2.3 and 2.4, the passengers have to evacuate to the track level andoach 03 of Train B. It should be noted that the ramp is normally are forced to use the emergency ladder. This scenario is theused to transfer passengers from one train to another in cases of evacuation procedure usually applied by the rail operator (renfetrain technical failure. Both the emergency ladder and the ramp Operadora). In these cases, the ramp is not used as an additionalare 3 m long and consist of two separate parts that have to be evacuation element. Note that the ramp is mainly used to transferassembled. These evacuation elements hold only two passengers passengers from one train to another during an evacuation to thesimultaneouslytrack level when a fire occurs in an intermediate coach howevertwo evacuation elements are required to ensure that all passengers can safely leave the vehicle. In reality, the devices(emer33. Scenariosgency ladder and ramp) can only be installed in the followingfixed locations coaches o5 and o in train a and coaches 03 andFigs. 11-14 show the evacuation scenarios considered for the 05 in Train Bsimulations. it should be noted that we have used the definitionsOther scenarios require considering other locations for theseestablished by the Health Safety Executive " Guide for providing evacuation elements. The hypothetical location of evacuationequipment and arranging evacuation and escape from trains in an elements is considered in Scenarios 3. 3 and 3. 4(Figs. 13 andemergency"for evacuation(controlled) and escape(uncontrolled) 14). In these scenarios, the evacuation elements are located far[16]. These definitions do not consider whether the exit is a from the fire, which facilitates an adequate distribution of thenormal or abnormal route, as established by atoc standard.number of passengers per exit. An evacuation strategy that givesIn the fire scenarios, two consecutive dynamic processes were priority to the passengers that are closer to the fire is simulated insimulated(1)evacuating passengers to a place of relative safety ScenariOs 2.4 and 3. 4(controlled)[1along the train (pre-evacuation activities and (2)evacuating fromthe train They were simulated using the exit events "feature ofthe steps model, which allows changing the availability of certain 3.4. Input data in the modelexits during the course of the simulation Using this feature theuser can open, close or make exits unavailable. When an exit is setThe pre-evacuation activity is defined as the time from theto closed, the agents will still consider the exit when choosing detection of the fire to the time the train stops. The fire isScenario 1.1(uncontrolled) and 1.2(controlled)12111008070401Scenario 2.1(uncontrolled)1008070605030201Scenario 2.2 PR (controlled1210008Scenario 2.2 FR(controlled)030201Scenario 3.1(uncontrolled)121003Scenario 3.2 PR(controlled)1004002101Scenario 3.2 FR(controlled)121110000403亟1Fire exposed coachControlled Evacuation supervised by crew membersAdUncontrolled Self-rescue(escape)Adjacent coaches 2, 3.nFig. 11. Evacuation scenarios to a platform in Train AJ.A. Capote et aL. Fire Safety Journal 49( 2012)35-46Scenario 1.1(uncontrolled) and 1.2 (controlled)0805Scenario 2.1(uncontrolled)110706050403Scenario 2.2 PR(controlled11070504030201Scenario 2.2 FR(controlled)1105040301Scenario 3. 1 uncontrolled710503哆0Scenario 3.2 PR(controlled)11005-03001Scenario 3.2 FR (controlled1110094B8070605a40301Fire exposed coachControlled Evacuation supervised by crew membersAdjacent coach 1Uncontrolled Self-rescue(escape)Adjacent coaches 2, 3.nFig. 12. Evacuation scenarios to a platform in Train B.Scenario 1.3 (uncontrolled) and 1. 4(controlled)12111009080406050403201Scenario 2.3(uncontrolled)12Scenario 2. 4 PR(controlled)1009080605040302Scenario 2. 4 FR(controlled)08070605404030201Scenario 3.3 (uncontrolled12111009080403x3 11+110+09D8-07 06 0504,工Scenario 3. 4 FR (controlled)121110409080060504~0340201Fire exposed coachControlled Evacuation supervised by crew membersAdjacent coach 1Uncontrolled Self-rescue(escapeAdjacent coaches 2, 3.nEvacuation elementsPriority floySecondary flowFig. 13. Evacuation scenarios to the track level in Train AJ.A. Capote et aL. /Fire Safety Journal 49(2012)35-46Scenario 1.3(uncontrolled)and 1.4(controlled)10070201Scenario 2.3 (uncontrolled)111009000004030201Scenario 2. 4 PR(controlled)11100908070605404030201Scenario 2. 4 FR(controlled0907001Scenario 3.3 (uncontrolled)100302|01—1Scenario 3. 4 PR(controlled)100601Scenario 3. 4 FR (controlled111009070601Fire exposed coachControlled Evacuation supervised by crew membersAdjacent coach 1Uncontrolled Self-rescue(escape)Adjacent coaches 2, 3.nEvacuation elementsPriority flowSecondary flowFig. 14. Evacuation scenarios to the track level in Train Bconsidered to be manually detected in the passenger coach where before the train has stopped(controlled evacuation). In this caseit starts. The detection time is set to 60 S. Therefore, the passenger the response time of the data described above (u=12 s andresponse time is assumed to follow a log-normal distribution with 0=8 s)appliesa minimum value of 6o s, a mean of 75 s and a standard deviationof 15 s. The passenger response times in adjacent coaches are 3.5. Assumptionssummarised in the following equationrire

Analysis of evacuation procedures in high speed trains fires.
