Animation GIF ActiveX is a 32bit OLE Control Module to display GIF file(still and animation, GIF87a and GIF89a) in OLE Container. It supports all GIF89a standard, including transparent, animation, looping, delay time, logical screen, restoring to background, etc. It also supports Netscape GIF extension. Animation GIF ActiveX 2.0 has many new features including AutoSize, Stretch, custom playing sequence (reverse, pingpong or user-defined), etc. You can bind the GIF property in version 2.0 to database in your application. Ver sion 2.0 has no flickering when displaying large GIF files in transparent or opaque mode. Version 2.0 can recover the correct frames in the damaged GIF file. Version 2.0 is made in ATL, so you don't need any additional DLL when using the ActiveX. Animation GIF ActiveX supports most popular development platforms including VB, VC++, VFP, VBA, Access, Delphi, etc. Animation GIF ActiveX is shareware. If you are using an unregistered version, please see Registration to get information about how to register. Important notes for 1.x users: Because 2.0 is made in ATL, it's very different from version 1.x. The properties, methods, calling interfaces and CLSIDs are changed. So the applications using 1.x should be redesigned for Animation GIF ActiveX 2.0. If you have any questions, please send E-mail to Please visit my home page to get the newest version, news and more great and FREE ActiveX. Now you can register your copy online via world wide web. sion 2.0 has no flickering when displaying large GIF files in transparent or opaque mode. Version 2.0 can recover the correct frames in the damaged GIF file. Version 2.0 is made in ATL, so you don't need any additional DLL when using the ActiveX. Animation GIF ActiveX supports most popular development platforms including VB, VC++, VFP, VBA, Access, Delphi, etc. Animation GIF ActiveX is shareware. If you are using an unregistered version, please see Registration to get information about how to register. Important notes for 1.x users: Because 2.0 is made in ATL, it's very different from version 1.x. The properties, methods, calling interfaces and CLSIDs are changed. So the applications using 1.x should be redesigned for Animation GIF ActiveX 2.0. If you have any questions, please send E-mail to Please visit my home page to get the newest version, news and more great and FREE ActiveX. Now you can register your copy online via world wide web.