A Simplified Method of Obtaining the Seismic Damage index of Single Steelconcret
Single chip Si optical single sideband modulator
We demonstrate an integrated Si optical single-sideband (OSSB) modulator composed of a parallel dual
21 2021-02-25 -
System Identification and Damage Detection of Nonlinear Structures
element model in conjunction with a recently proposed damage detection technique, referred to as the
48 2018-12-09 -
EarthQuake Damage Grade Predictive Analysis源码
预测和管理地震的影响 请阅读approach.txt文件以获取有关如何访问文件的参考 问题陈述/目的:像地震这样的自然灾害总是给建筑物和财产造成不可估量的破坏,并导致全世界数百万人死亡。 为了最大程度
16 2021-05-05 -
Femtosecond laser induced damage of optical coatings
Single pulse laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) was investigated for electron beam evaporated opt
23 2021-03-05 -
Water Damage OC Launcher crx插件
快速启动水伤超频 我们是奥兰治县水灾公司。水灾专家的好处第1步:检查-我们的水灾经理到达您家时要做的第一步就是对您的房屋进行彻底的水灾评估。 伤害常常比目击更为严重,但我们肯定希望不会。 只有配备了最
2 2021-04-05 -
High damage threshold broadband chirped mirror
A high-energy broadband chirped mirror is designed for sub-10-fs high-energy chirped-pulse oscillato
23 2021-02-22 -
使用兰姆波的无参考分层检测 描述 提出了一种新的基于Lamb波的分层检测技术,以允许在单个波传播路径中检测分层,而无需使用先前的基线数据或预定的决策边界。 这项研究表明,如果沿波传播路径存在分层,则首
20 2021-02-21 -
CTFD single
CTFd is heavily integrated with MajorLeagueCyber. MajorLeagueCyber (MLC) is a CTF stats tracker that
18 2020-11-16 -
Single Sourcing
9 2020-08-09 -
13 2020-09-11