Absorption of Subdural Hematoma in a Modified Rat Model
Ultra broadband enhanced nonlinear saturable absorption for Mo
Alloying in two-dimension has been a hot spot in the development of new, versatile systems of optics
19 2021-02-01 -
Preparation magnetic and microwave absorption properties of nanocrystalline stro
31 2020-03-03 -
The Research of the Properties of Atomic Absorption Photon and Stimulated Radiat
23 2020-05-30 -
Microwave Absorption Properties of a Waveabsorbing Coating Employing Carbonyliro
20 2020-06-08 -
Concentration dependence of twophoton absorption and subsequent excitedstate abs
9 2020-06-08 -
Confirmation for the nonlinear shift of absorption edge in narrowgap HgCdTe
10 2020-05-12 -
Theoretical study light scattering and absorption by fractallike tissue
21 2020-05-07 -
Ultrafast transient absorption measurements of photocarrier dynamics in monolaye
Ultrafast transient absorption measurements of photocarrier dynamics in monolayer and bulk ReSe2
10 2021-04-24 -
Revisiting the absorption and transmission properties of coupled open waveguides
Open waveguides are widely used in modern photonic devices, such as microstructured fiber filters an
17 2021-02-27 -
Nonlinear absorption and nonlinear refraction in ruthenium alkynyl complexes
The studies of third-order nonlinear optical properties of organometallic compounds containing ruthe
9 2021-03-01