ur5e_with_soft_hand 我的UR5e带有软手占位符的自定义设置。 这是正常工作的URDF + MoveIt! 为我的系统配置,并为我的软手添加一个占位符框。 这是出于计划目的的保守估计
1 2021-04-08 -
EE559-Project_Hand-姿势 在这个项目中,我尝试处理UCI设置的手势数据,具体来说,它有12位志愿者展示手势,并将这些姿势从第1到第5姿势设置为第1到第5类。我试图知道我们的机器是否可
12 2021-04-08 -
jawide hand gesture recognition master.zip
0 2024-10-13 -
An Application of Classifier Combination Methods in Hand Gesture Recognition
Hand gesture recognition is a topic in artificial intelligence and computer vision with the goal to
23 2021-02-25 -
3 2021-04-17 -
Saliency guided improvement for hand posture detection and recognition
To detect and recognise hand postures against complex backgrounds, we propose a novel model that is
13 2021-02-21 -
Hand Drawn Image Colorization Based on Optimized Segmentation
Image colorization is an important topic in the field of computer graphics and image processing. Acc
23 2021-02-23 -
Javascript writing_hand学习JavaScript源码
01.자바스크립트 자바스크립트 :baby: Mo스라는스케이케Mo 이Mo 가아(Mocha)라는이름으로개발함。 이후이브스크립트라로이름을。 넷스케이프가썬마이크로시스템즈와제휴하여자바스크립
24 2021-02-19 -
A Novel Hyperspectral Based Dorsal Hand Recognition System
In biometrics, dorsal hand recognition systems are secure, user-friendly, and non-intrusive. Current
23 2021-02-09 -
Continuous Gesture Recognition with Hand oriented Spatiotemporal Feature
Continuous Gesture Recognition with Hand-oriented Spatiotemporal Feature
17 2021-02-08