Frequency comb swept laser with a high
Frequency comb swept lasers are the enabling technology of circular interferometric imaging, which was proposed to break the bottleneck of data acquisition and processing in optical coherence tomography (OCT) at video rate. In this paper, we propose and demonstrate a highly coherent frequency comb s
High Frequency ZVZCS Resonant Inverter for HighPower HPS Lamps
14 2020-03-18 -
Artifical High Frequency Magnetic Responses in Carbon Fibers Composites
23 2020-03-21 -
High Frequency Financial Data with S_PLUS.pdf
18 2019-05-27 -
High Frequency Trading in a Limit Order Book.pdf
High Frequency Trading in a Limit Order Book.pdf
13 2020-07-21 -
Optimization of compensation for high spatial frequency in distorted wavefront u
A method is proposed to optimize the recording structure of the photorefractive volume grating to co
13 2021-04-27 -
High Frequency Trading and the New Market Makers.pdf
High Frequency Trading and the New-Market Makers.pdf
21 2020-07-22 -
High Frequency Asymptotics for the Limit Order Book.pdf
High Frequency Asymptotics for the Limit Order Book.pdf
7 2020-07-18 -
14 2020-07-18 -
pll for high frequency receivers and transmitters2.pdf
本文侧重于详细考察与PLL相关的两个关 键技术规格:相位噪声和参考杂散。导致相位噪声和参考杂 散的原因是什么,如何将其影响降至最低?讨论将涉及测量 技术以及这些误差对系统性能的影响。我们还将考虑输出漏
19 2020-07-19 -
Electrospinning Fabrication and High frequency properties of NiZn Ferrite Nanofi
18 2020-07-18