Unidirectional lasing in semiconductor microring lasers at an exceptional point
Theoretical investigation of ignition with lasers
A fundamental theoretical investigation of laser ignition is reported. Ignition is happened in an ex
29 2021-02-08 -
Unidirectional perfect magnetic metamaterial absorber based on nonreciprocal mie
In present work, we demonstrate that when a transverse magnetic (TM) Gaussian beam is incident to a
16 2021-02-06 -
Unidirectional edge modes launched by surface fluctuation in magnetic metamateri
Unidirectional edge modes launched by surface fluctuation in magnetic metamaterials
12 2021-02-08 -
Efficient Unidirectional Launching of Surface Plasmons by Multi Groove Structure
Efficient Unidirectional Launching of Surface Plasmons by Multi-Groove Structures
15 2021-02-08 -
Efficient unidirectional launching of surface plasmons by a cascade asymmetric g
Efficient unidirectional launching of surface plasmons by a cascade asymmetric-groove structure
10 2021-02-08 -
Hybridization of different types of exceptional points
A large number of different types of second-order non-Hermitian degeneracies called exceptional poin
20 2021-01-31 -
Exceptional C++Style chm
Exceptional C++ Style 英文chm 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
14 2020-09-23 -
exceptional c++style.rar
exceptional c++ style.rar四十个工程难题、编程问题及及解决方案
7 2020-12-05 -
12 2019-09-03 -
Exceptional C简体中文
c 经典教程,无数程序员从中受益。候捷译. 中文(非扫描)。不好意思这个压缩包有密码。我又传了个PDF格式的。 免资源分。
45 2019-04-11