Optimizing HIV Interventions for Multiplex Social Networks via Partition Based R
Social contagions on correlated multiplex networks
Social contagions on correlated multiplex networks
13 2021-02-23 -
Social contagions on multiplex networks with heterogeneous population
Social contagions on multiplex networks with heterogeneous population
16 2021-04-06 -
Improved community model for social networks based on social mobility
This paper proposes an improved community model for social networks based on social mobility. The re
39 2021-02-09 -
Suppression of epidemic spreading process on multiplex networks via active immun
Suppression of epidemic spreading process on multiplex networks via active immunization
12 2021-02-24 -
SGP Sampling Big Social Network Based on Graph Partition
SGP: Sampling Big Social Network Based on Graph Partition
12 2021-04-26 -
Effective Degree Theory on Multiplex Networks Based on UAP SIR Model
Effective Degree Theory on Multiplex Networks Based on UAP-SIR Model
9 2021-02-25 -
论文研究Modeling Non Internet Epidemics Based on Social Networks A Case Study of R
12 2020-07-17 -
P2P和Sybil Attack的论文 SybilGuard_Defending_Against_Sybil_Attacks_via_social_networks
40 2019-04-12 -
E Rank A Structural Based Similarity Measure in Social Networks
With the social networks (SNs) becoming ubiquitous and massive, the issue of similarity computation
33 2021-02-22 -
Geocommunity Based Broadcasting for Data Dissemination in Mobile Social Networks
Geocommunity-Based Broadcasting for Data Dissemination in Mobile Social Networks
19 2021-02-23