Dictionary Learning Based Reconstruction with Low Rank Constraint for Low Dose S
Wideband co polarization anomalous reflection metasurface based on low Q resonat
Wideband, co-polarization anomalous reflection metasurface based on low-Q resonators
10 2021-02-08 -
A Class of Low Complexity Codes Based on Doubly Recursive Block Markov Superposi
A Class of Low-Complexity Codes Based on Doubly Recursive Block Markov Superposition Transmission
6 2021-02-07 -
Perovskite based low cost and high efficiency hybrid halide solar cells
A cost-effective and high-throughput material named perovskite has proven to be capable of convertin
19 2021-02-07 -
Compact low loss and broadband photonic crystal circulator based on a star type
Compact, low-loss and broadband photonic crystal circulator based on a star-type ferrite rod
9 2021-02-07 -
Design of low noise photodetector with a bandwidth of130MHz based on transimpe
A low-noise photodetector is a basic tool for the research of quantum information processing. We pre
15 2021-02-07 -
Highly Nonlinear with low confinement losses square photonic crystal fiber based
Highly Nonlinear with low confinement losses square photonic crystal fiber based on a four-hole unit
3 2021-04-06 -
On multipacket reception based neighbor discovery in low duty cycle wireless sen
On multipacket reception based neighbor discovery in low-duty-cycle wireless sensor networks
15 2021-05-12 -
Low frequency wide band hybrid energy harvester based on piezoelectric and tribo
Recently, hybrid energy harvester has been considered as an attractive potential approach to respons
21 2021-04-24 -
A simple low cost highly efficient optical thermometry based on down conversion
A simple, low-cost, highly efficient optical thermometry based on down-conversion green fluorescence
15 2021-04-04 -
Numerical simulation of low repetition rate subnanosecond laser based on dual lo
Numerical simulation of low repetition rate subnanosecond laser based on dual-loss-modulation
15 2021-02-20