The CD74HC4518 is a dual BCD up-counter. The ’HC4520 and CD74HCT4520 are dual binary up-counters. Ea
In order to achieve a symmetrical waveform in the oscillator section the HCT4060 input pulse switch
The CD74HC390 and ’HCT390 dual 4-bit decade ripple counters are high-speed silicon-gate CMOS devices
The ’HC4040 and ’HCT4040 are 14-stage ripple-carry binary counters. All counter stages are master-sl
The ’HC4538 and ’HCT4538 are dual retriggerable/resettable monostable precision mulTIvibrators for f
The ’HC123, ’HCT123, CD74HC423 and CD74HCT423 are dual monostable mulTIvibrators with resets. They a
The RCA CD54/74AC299 and CD54/74AC323 and the CD54/74ACT299 and CD54/74ACT323 are 3-state, 8-input u
The ’HC138, ’HC238, ’HCT138, and ’HCT238 are high speed silicon gate CMOS decoders well suited to me
The ’HC139 and ’HCT139 devices contain two independent binary to one of four decoders each with a si
The ’HC154 and ’HCT154 are 4-to-16 line decoders/demulTIplexers with two enable inputs, E1 and E2. A