香港黄金论坛的“推帖”。 A "Push Post" extentsion for HKGolden Forum. 香港高登討論區自動推 post 程式 You need to fill in all options and save your settings. 請填上所有設定並儲存。 Click "Push!" to push post and click "Stop!" to stop. 按 "Push!" 開始推 post,按 "Stop!" 停止。 Your must have a HKGolden account and logged-in before you use this extension. 你必須擁有香港高登帳戶並登入,才可使用此推 post 外掛。 Push HKGolden is a open source project. Please visit this GitHub site to check the source code: Push HKGolden 為開源項目。可到以下 GitHub 專頁查閱原始碼: 支持语言:English