ARM7TDMI (S3C44B0X) 处理器作为主控芯片的人造金刚石六面顶压机控制系统。系统在软、 硬件方面采取措施消减温度和负压对压力检测的不良影响,用三电机控制压力以提高升压速度 和控制精度;设计专门的电路来保证加热控制精度。软件采用间歇扫描工作模式,通过容错技 术保护工艺参数,确保系统工作可靠。系统可对整个生产工艺过程进行全方位监控。实验测试和用户使用证明,系统控制精度高、操作方便、重复性好,而且运行稳定可靠,有助于提高金刚石压机的生产效率和产品质量。
Abstract:To improve production quality and efficiency of synthetic diamond, a novel control system of cubic press has been developed based on ARM7TDMI(S3C44B0X). Two efficient methods were adopted to solve the problems of large zero drift and poor repeatability by software and hardware. The pressure boosting speed and control precision were improved by three motors coordinated control and a special circuit was proposed for temperature control. Furthermore, several measures were utilized to prevent the malfunction of system. Application results have indicated that this control system has the advantages of low zero drift, high control precision, good repeatability and reliability.
Keywords:Cubic press; Synthetic diamond; Embedded system; Pressure control; Temperature contro