本文借鉴生物免疫系统的免疫响应调节机理,提出了并联式结构的免疫PI 控制器,
讨论了其中的免疫参数在调节过程中的作用,及其在大纯滞后系统中的仿真研究,并与传统PID 控制器的仿真效果相比较
关键词: 免疫 免疫PI 控制器大纯滞后系统 仿真
Abstract: In this paper, based on the immune system regulating law, an parallel immune PI
controller is proposed. The effects of parameters of immune PI controller are described. The
immune PI controller is applied to the large delay system. The result of simulation indicates that the method immune PI control can improve the dynamic property of control system more
evidently than that of the classical PID control.
Keywords: immune immune PI controller large delay system simulation