Python程序设计_John Zelle
46 2018-12-20 -
Options Futures and Other Derivatives by John Hull
Options Futures and Other Derivatives by John Hull
50 2019-04-17 -
Strategic Information Security by John Wylder ed
19 2019-08-02 -
John Wiley And Sons SQL.Bible
John Wiley And Sons SQL.Bible.rar
38 2018-12-17 -
JavaScript忍者秘籍┊John Resig PDF
《JavaScript忍者秘籍》┊John Resig,带书签高清完整版PDF,仅供学习参考!
29 2018-12-29 -
introduction to robotics mechanics and control_John
机器人学导论,英文原版, introduction to robotics mechanics and control
31 2018-12-29 -
Beginning C++Game Programming john
Beginning C++ Game Programming-john
12 2021-04-21 -
Jenkins The Definitive Guide John Ferguson Smart
Much of this book discusses Jenkins in the context of Java or JVM-related projects. Nevertheless, ev
9 2021-04-20 -
Measure What Matters OKR John Doerr
这本书讲的就是OKR (Objectives and Key Results) 从问题的角度也更好理解OKR。在公司、团队扩大的过程(尤其中/大型团队),常出现这样的问题: - 团队整体缺乏工作重点、
55 2019-01-02 -
Built to Sell by John Warrillow.epub
Built to Sell讲了一个如何把自己的公司卖掉的故事,如何让老板从公司繁杂的事务中抽身,如何打造成一个标准流程。此书是英文版的。
11 2021-04-16