# Qubits

Entanglement of graph states up to eight qubits

Entanglement of graph states up to eight qubits
11 PDF 2021-04-26

Implementation of quantum logic gates and cluster states for distant qubits

21 PDF 2020-04-15

Tunable capacitive coupling between two semiconductor charge qubits

Tunable capacitive coupling between two semiconductor charge qub
14 PDF 2021-02-21

Entanglement dynamics of two qubits coupled by Heisenberg XY interaction under a

Entanglement dynamics of two qubits coupled by Heisenberg XY int
14 PDF 2021-02-27

Quantum information transfer between photonic and quantum dot spin qubits

We propose schemes for the efficient information transfer betwee
25 PDF 2021-02-09


4 pdf 2023-06-29

Preparation of entangled states of atomic qubits via atom cavity laser interacti

We propose a scheme to prepare the Bell states for atomic qubits
15 PDF 2021-02-23

Talller de bits qubits y compuertas clasicas胡安·罗梅罗源码

塔勒-德-比特-屈比特-康普特斯教堂 胡安·罗梅罗(Juan Romero)
5 ZIP 2021-04-27