mat格式的MNIST数据 因matlab无法直接读取直接下载的MNIST数据格式,故写了一个matlab程序将数据读取后存储为.mat格式 train_images - 60000个训练集,大小为28*28*60000 train_labels - 60000个标签,大小为60000*1 test_images - 1000
MNIST手写数字数据库 MNIST手写数字图像数据库 60000个训练集,10000个测试集,灰度图,大小均为为28*28 train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz: training set images (9912422 bytes) train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz: training
OriginalBrodatzTexture The 112 texture images given in the Brodatz album have different background intensities.
NormalizedBrodatzTexture The Normalized Brodatz Texture (NBT) database is an improvement of the Brodatz texture database using a normalization process that eliminated the gray