Exbot易科机器人实验维护书籍,提供学习镜像包括indigo和kinetic等,努力为ROS爱好者和开发人员提供力所能及的服务。, 本书第2版概括性地介绍了ROS系统的各种工具。ROS是一个先进的机器人操作系统框架,现今已有数百个研究团体和公司将其应用在机器人行业中。对于机器人技术的非专业人士来说,它也相对容易上手。在本书中,你将了解如何安装ROS,如何开始使用ROS的基本工具,以及最终如何应用先进的计算机视觉和导航工具。, 在阅读本书的过程中无需使用任何特殊的设备。书中每一章都附带了一系列的源代码示例和教程,你可以在自己的计算机上运行。这是你唯一需要做的事情。, 当然,我们还会告诉你如何使earning Ros for Robotics ProgrammingSecond editionCopyright C 2015 Packt PublishingAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior writtenpermission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded incritical articles or reviewsEvery effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracyof the information presented. However the information contained in this book issold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor PacktPublishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damagescaused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this bookPackt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of thecompanies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitalsHowever, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this informationFirst published: September 2013Second edition: August 2015Production reference: 1120815Published by packt Publishing ltdLivery place35 Livery streetBirmingham b3 2PB, UKISBN978-1-78398-758-0www.packtpub.comCreditsAuthorsCopy EditorsEnrique FernandezSarang ChariLuis sanchez CrespoSonia mathurAnil mahanAaron martinezProject CoordinatorSanchita mandalReviewersPiotr grodekProofreaderAkihiko hondaSafis EditingMatthieu KellerIndexerAridane j. sarrionandia de leonMariamman chettiyarCommissioning EditorGraphicsUsha lyerSheetal AuteAcquisition EditorAbhinash sahuRichard Brookes-blandProduction coordinatorContent Development EditorAdrian RaposoArvindkumar GuptaTechnical editorCover WorkArvindkumar Guptag loreabout the authorEnrique fernandez has a PhD in computer engineering from the University ofLas palmas de gran Canaria and is a senior robotics engineer currently working atClearpath Robotics, Inc. He did his MSc master's thesis in 2009 on SLAM. Enriqueddresses the problem of path planning for autonomous underwater gliders(aUGsin his PhD thesis, which was presented in 2013. During that period, he also workedon Computer Vision, Al, and other robotics topics, such as inertial navigationsystems and Visual SLAM at the CirS/ViCOROB Research Lab of the Universityof girona for auVs. He also participated in the student autonomous UnderwaterChallenge, Europe(sAUC-E)in 2012 and collaborated in the 2013 edition; in the2012 edition, he was awarded a prizeAfter his PhD, Enrique joined Pal Robotics in June 2013 as a senior robotics engineerin the autonomous navigation department. There, he developed software forREEM, REEM-C, and mobile-based robots and also for corresponding projects, suchas Stockbot, using the ros framework intensively. He worked on motion planning(path planning and control for mobile robots), robot localization, and sLanRecently, in 2015, he joined Clearpath Robotics, Inc to work as a senior autonomydeveloper on slam, within the autonomy departmentFrom an academic perspective, enrique has published several conference papersand publications two of them on the International Conference of robotics andAutomation(ICRA), in 2011. He is also an author of chapters of a few books anda previous book about ros, Learning ros for robotics programming by packtPublishing His MSc master's thesis was about the FastSLAM algorithm for indoorrobots using a sicK laser scanner and the wheel odometry of a Pioneer differentialplatform. His Phd thesis contributed path planning algorithms and tools for AUGsHe also has experience with electronics and embedded systems such as pc104and Arduino. His background covers SLAM, Computer Vision, path planning,optimization, and robotics and artificial intelligence in generalAcknowledgmentsI would like to thank the coauthors of this book for the effort put into writing anddevclopinte code forthe countless examples provided i also want to say thanksto the members of the research groups where i did my phd thesis: the universitynstitute of Intelligent Systems and Computational Engineering(SIANd and theCenter of Underwater Robotics Research( CIrs/ViCOROB) Also, a big thanks goesto my ex-colleagues at PAL Robotics, where i learned a lot about ros, robotics formobile, and humanoid biped robots -not only software but also electronics andhardware design. Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends for their helpand supportabout the authorLuis sanchez crespo completed his dual master's degree in electronics andtelecommunication engineering from the University of Las Palmas de gran canariaHe has collaborated with different research groups at the Institute for TechnologicalDevelopment and Innovation (DETIC), the Oceanic Platform of Canary IslandsPLOCAN), and the Institute of Applied Microelectronics(IUMA), where he actuallyresearches the imaging of super-resolution algorithmsHis professional interests lie in computer vision, signal processing, and electronicdesign applied to robotics systems. For this reason, he joined the A VORa team, agroup of young engineers and students working on the development of underwaterautonomous vehicles (auvs) from scratch In this project, Luis has starteddeveloping acoustic and computer vision systems extracting information fromdifferent sensors, such as hydrophones, sonar, and camerasWith a strong background gained in marine technology, Luis cofounded SubseaMechatronics, a young start-up, where he works on developing remotely operatedand autonomous vehicles for underwater environmentsHere s what Dario Sosa Cabrera, a marine technologies engineer and entrepreneur(and the cofounder and maker of Lpa Fabrika: Gran Canaria Maker Space) has tosay about luisHe is very enthusiastic and an engineer in multiple disciplines. He is responsible fohis work. He can manage himself and can take up responsibilities as a team leader,as was demonstrated at the sauc-e competition where he directed the avorateam. His background in electronics and telecommunications allows him to covera wide range of expertise from signal processing and software to electronic designand fabricationLuis has participated as a technical reviewer for the previous version of Learning rOsfor robotics programming by Packt PublishingAcknowledgmentsFirst, I have to acknowledge Aaron, Anil, and Enrique for inviting me to participatein this book. It has been a pleasure to return to work with them. Also i want tothank the subsea mechatronics team for the great experience working with heavyunderwater robots; we have grown together during these years. I have to mentionLPA Fabrika: Gran Canaria Maker Space for their enthusiasm in preparing andteaching educational robotics and technological projects; sharing a workspace withkids can be really motivatingFinally, i have to thank my family and my girlfriend for their big support andencouragement in every project I'm involved in i want to dedicate my contributionin this book to themabout the authorAnil Mahtani is a computer scientist who has been working for the past 5 yearson underwater robotics. He first started working in the field with his mastersthesis, where he developed a software architecture for a low-cost ROV. During thedevelopment of his thesis he also became the team leader and lead developer ofAVORA, a team of university students that designed and developed an autonomousUnderwater vehicle for the Students Autonomous Underwater Challenge- Europe(SAUC-E)in 2012. That same year, he completed his thesis and his MSc in computerscience at the University of las palmas de gran canaria, and shortly thereafterhe became a software engineer at Seebyte ltd, a world leader in smart softwaresolutions for underwater svstemsDuring his tenure at See Byte Ltd, Anil was key to the development of severalsemi-autonomous and autonomous underwater systems for the military andthe oil and gas industries In those projects he was heavily involved in thedevelopment of autonomous systems the design of distributed softwarearchitectures and low-level software development and has also contributed toproviding computer vision solutions for front-looking sonar imagery At see byteLtd, he has also achieved the position of project manager, managing a team ofengineers developing and maintaining the internal core C++ librariesHis professional interests lie mainly in software engineering algorithms distributedsystems, networks, and operating systems. Anil's main role in robotics is to provideefficient and robust software solutions, addressing not only the current problemst hand but also foreseeing future problems or possible enhancements. Givenhis experience, he is also an asset when dealing with computer vision, machinelearning, and control problems. Anil is interested in DlY and electronics, and he hasdeveloped several Arduino libraries that he has contributed back to the communityAcknowledgmentsFirst of all, i would like to thank my family and friends for their support and foralways being there when I've needed them I would also like to thank david rubioVidal, Emilio Miguelanez Martin, and John Brydon for being the most supportivecolleagues and friends, who have taught me so much personally and professionallyi would also like to thank my colleagues at See byte and the avera team fromwhom Ive learned and experienced so much over the years. Finally, a special thankyou to Jorge Cabrera gamez, whose guidance and advice shaped my career in a wayI could have never imagined